Hey friend,

So glad you are here. Come join the Gosnells Baptist Church (GBC) Playgroup. We meet on Thursday mornings, 9.30-11.30am, during school term.

Where are you?

GBC is at 2378 Albany Hwy, Gosnells. We are just across the road from Seaforth Train Station. Park in the second carpark off Verna St and come in through the back entrance to the church, as the front doors are locked on a Thursday.

What happens?

From 9.30am, we have free play on the fenced playground, all the bikes and scooters are out, and a range of toys and craft. At 10.15am, we have Story and Song, and then we have morning tea.

We have barista coffees and hot chocolates. We also provide decaf and oat milk options. All drinks are $3 and morning tea is provided for the Mums. Enjoy a hot coffee and a chat while your kids play (and can’t escape).

Please bring something for your kids to eat.

At 11.15am, parents help us pack away and then it’s home for nap time!


It is $2 entry per child aged 1-5 years and FREE for babies under the age of 1. There are no term fees, no joining fees, and no need to RSVP.

All you need to do is decide on the morning that you're coming, text a Mum friend to meet you there, and bring a packed lunch for the kids (thanks COVID). You don't even need to pick up a coffee on the way!

Photo by Teanna Alexander

Playgroup Meal Freezer

Motherhood is hard! We run a meal freezer with family-sized meals, so you can come to Playgroup on a hard days and take a meal for FREE.

Think: your husband is working late all week, you’re solo parenting, pregnancy nausea means you can’t even think about eating, the kids are sick, you’re sick, you want to take your friend who had a baby a meal but you’re drowning… Basically, you really, really need a break. We got choo boo 😘

Photo by Teanna Alexander.

Three Things

Three Things is our gloriously low-key quarterly newsletter with three things for you: playgroup dates for the diary, beautiful and encouraging reads, and fun things to do in the South East.

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You can also follow us on Instagram @gbcplaygroup 💛


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Gloriously low-key quarterly newsletter. Playgroup dates for the diary, beautiful & encouraging reads, and fun stuff to do in Perth’s south east. We got you!